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Writer's pictureDr. Jim Copeland

New Beginnings

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

One of my Growth Goals this year is to write a weekly blog--so this is 1 of 52--Lord willing. After years of developing materials, training leaders around the world, and metoring a few every year. I decided to write down a few thougts every week, poke fun of me or you, and challenge us to open our minds, hear and see things from different perspectives. This is the frist of those musings!

Let's choose to be better in 2021!

New beginnings are great. Every day is a new beginning. Every sunrise. Every sunset. At least that’s what the ancient ruler King David thought. I love the new year, it’s pregnant with possibilities. Sorry for that baby metaphor; both of my sons and their wives are expecting. Boys!

I love the fact that every day is new. We can choose today to become the men, women, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters God intended. We can choose sobriety. Hope. Joy. We can choose anything to be or not to be.

I mentioned King David, a man after God’s own heart. A shepherd—more about that in blogs to come—he was a Warrior. A king. A father. Yes, he was flawed. But a Godly man, and a man after God’s own heart, as we all should be. Unless you’re a woman, then be a Godly woman; you know what I mean.

King David knows what it’s like to start each day a new. In Psalms 5:30, he writes “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Wow! I have little confidence most days that God hears my voice, and I don’t know if I wait on God ever. Expectantly? Even less!

I know that God’s mercies are new every morning according to Lamentations 3:23. Which is in part, why I get up and start new every day. I need His mercies. I need them every day and often. What great hope for 2021.

It’s January 11th, 2021. I’ve already cancelled my GYM membership—well that’s because of COVID. Running in a mask. Being around people. And, what’s with all those mirrors? That’s enough to cause anyone—a little overweight—to quit. Besides all that, I have my own treadmill, rowing machine and free weights in the basement. Adding weight by collecting dust, just like me.

This will be the year I lose the weight. Go on that 35th dream wedding anniversary to Greece—COVID permitting. Get out of debt. After the Greece trip. Write my first blog. Been there done that! By that, I mean this is it.

Just kidding. I have developed my personal growth plan for 2021. It follows the model of my good friend Steve Moore’s “Grow Toward Your Dreams” book. If you are interested go to and take the free assessment. Or just buy the book on his website or at; it’s worth the read, I “gar-an-tee-it!” Steve, you owe me.

2020 was a year to remember or forget. I personally saw God at work throughout the year. I also experienced the loss of a loved one. I still choose hope. I choose joy. I still choose to dream. I dream of better days ahead. More unity, less hatred. More joy, less sorrow. More Jesus, less me. More abiding, less pruning. Just more!

Who would have thought a billionaire businessman would defend the unborn, put conservative Justices on the supreme court, fight for religious freedoms, and move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? Let alone, become President of the United States of America. Don’t think for a minute, God is not in control.

This new president—all God. This new year—all His! In 2021 give your plans to God. Every morning. He’s waiting for you. He hears you. Wait for Him. Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength—that’s a promise from God. Wait, expectantly! King David did. Let’s see what great and mighty things God will do in 2021!

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